About Us

This account is a demo only. Its purpose is to show each company's profile sections and the advantages that companies will get when they create an account on the platform; please do not contact this account or request any services or projects from it.

For homeowners, we have just launched the platform... please visit us later after we have adequate numbers of companies covering all countries.
HomesBIS, the leading…

About Us

This account is a demo only. Its purpose is to show each company's profile sections and the advantages that companies will get when they create an account on the platform; please do not contact this account or request any services or projects from it.

For homeowners, we have just launched the platform... please visit us later after we have adequate numbers of companies covering all countries.
HomesBIS, the leading platform for homeowners and businesses in the home construction and services industry.

We offer companies: Exposure, Reaching clients, Get projects.

We offer homeowners: Ideas, Inspiration, Solutions, Problem-solving, Advice, Best prices for their projects and services, and whatever their homes need.

Contact Person

Faisal Almaari, as Manager

License number


Services Type

Appliance (repair) or (maintenance),

Product Description

This account is a demo only. Its purpose is to show each company's profile sections and the advantages that companies will get when they create an account on the platform; please do not contact this account or request any services or projects from it.

For homeowners, we have just launched the platform... please visit us later after we have adequate numbers of companies covering all countries.
HomesBIS, the leading platform for homeowners and businesses in the home construction and services industry.

We offer companies: Exposure, Reaching clients, Get projects.

We offer homeowners: Ideas, Inspiration, Solutions, Problem-solving, Advice, Best prices for their projects and services, and whatever their homes need.

Language Spoken

English, Arabic,

We Offers Discounts for..

Government/Military Discount, Fazaa Discount,


Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Riyadh 11564, Saudi Arabia

HomesBIS Dummy Account

Airport Road, Abu Dhabi Building No #
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

+971 000000

Fireplaces & Stoves

Open Now
Monday 8:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 8:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 18:00
Thursday 8:00 - 18:00
Friday 8:00 - 18:00
Sunday 8:00 - 18:00


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HomesBIS Explainer Intro

Are you curious to know how HomesBIS works? This promotional video will walk you through how we are helping homeowners find solutions, inspiration, and reviewed companies in their area.
Join the best community of homeowners for FREE!

Our Projects   ( 2 )

Our Products  ( 1 )

Before & After  ( 1 )

1 Reviews for HomesBIS Dummy Account

Location: Abu Dhabi

Project Completion Date: 01/11/2020

Project Completion Period : 45 Days

Approximate Cost: USD 27226

Project name
بناء مسبح في الحديقة الخلفية

Client review
لقد قامت الشركة ببناء المسبح حسب الإتفاق الذي تم بيننا، وتم المشروع بدون أي مشاكل او تعقيدات. ملاحظة (هذا التقييم فقط لإظهار خاصية التقييم)

What client liked
أعجبني جودة المواد التي تم استخدامها وتواصلهم الدائم وشرحهم لكل التفاصيل.

What client didn't like
لا يوجد ما لم يعجبني.

Google Map / Address

Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

+971 000000

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