Your Profile

Follower and Following

HomesBIS platform has a few terms you ought to know in order to grow your account and build the brand you wish to have.

On your profile, you see the “Followers” and “Followings” tabs. What do they mean?


Basically, the “Following” tab is the number of homeowners, customers, or other professionals’ accounts that follow your business feed. These users most likely got interested in your company profile and decided to keep track of your new updates by clicking on “follow” button in your profile.

Whenever you upload new products, projects, offers, replies, etc. in your account, these users always see it on their profiles.


On the other hand, the “Following” tab is the number of homeowners, customers, or other professionals’ accounts who you liked and decided to follow. For example, you see a company profile that works in a field you have interest in (Building, services, materials, etc.) and decided to keep track of his new updates by clicking on “follow” button in his profile.

Whenever they upload new products, projects, offers, replies, etc. in their accounts, you always see it on your profile.


Followers: accounts who follow you

Following: accounts you follow.

How do I Follow an account?

You can visit any profile (Homeowner or Professional) and click on Follow button.

How do I know who is following me?

Click Followers tab on your profile or dashboard to see how many followers you have and who they are. You can follow any of these accounts, too, by moving the mouse on their accounts and click on follow.

How do I know who I'm following?

Click Following tab on your profile or dashboard to see how many you've followed and who they are, displayed in the following list. You can unfollow any of these accounts from that page if you don't want to follow them anymore by move mouse on their accounts and clicking on unfollow.

How do I get followers? Can I ask someone to follow me?

There is no way to send a request for other accounts to follow you on HomesBIS.

The best way to gain followers in HomesBIS is to engage with homeowners and customers, follow others whose accounts are interesting or meaningful to you, and be an active part of the HomesBIS community by reading and posting high-quality information.


Can I prevent who follows me from seeing my updates?

No. You can’t.


I started following an account. Can I unfollow him?

Yes. You can unfollow other accounts at any time.

If you changed your mind and you want to unfollow anyone, you can cancel your follow by visiting your Following tab, then go to that account and choose Unfollow, or you can visit his profile and click on Unfollow. (Unfollow button appears on his profile in the same place as the Follow button.)


How can I see my following activities?
