HomesBIS Rules

Suspended Accounts

To keep the HomesBIS community a safe environment for users, we may suspend accounts (Professionals or Homeowners) that violate our Community Guidelines and "Terms & Conditions" Rules. If your account was suspended, you'll see a suspension notice when you try to log in.

We make sure content meets our Guidelines and Rules through human review. Violating these laws and guidelines can result in account suspension.

Accounts may be suspended due to single or repeat violations of our Guidelines and Rules concerning.


Some common reasons for suspension may include:

  • Spam: Spamming behavior, fake accounts, and any action that case security risks for our users.

  • Hacked Accounts: We may suspend it until it can be secured or restored by the account owner.

  • Reported Contents: We may suspend accounts (temporarily or, in some cases, permanently) that been reported to us by our community members as violating our Rules.

  • copyright Issues: Copyright violations for several times or re-posting contents removed in response to a copyright complaint may result in permanent account suspension.


How unsuspend your account?

If you think we shouldn't have suspended your HomesBIS account, get in touch with us using our Contact Form. Once you send in a request, we'll take a look at it and get back to you.


For information about Our Community Guidelines, please read the following: