HomesBIS Rules

HomesBIS Reviews Guideline

We in HomesBIS give old clients the ability to leave their reviews for companies that have done projects or jobs for them. We believe these reviews will help other customers to choose trustworthy businesses. Also, companies and professionals appreciate old client reviews because they highlight positive client experiences. 

The foundation of HomesBIS is built upon the honest and verified reviews submitted by our homeowner community. What sets HomesBIS reviews apart from other online review sites is that we have an entire team dedicated to verifying your reviews' content -whether they are positive or negative, all are just as important.

We take these extra measures to ensure the customers and homeowners can feel confident hiring based on the reviews they read.


“Latest researches show that there is 84 percent

of people trust online reviews

as much as their friends’ or direct recommendations.”


Why are the reviews on HomesBIS trusted?

We take several precautions to ensure that every review comes from a real client every time, and we do take steps to minimize misuse and improve client experience by some of our safeguard’s steps; please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our guidelines to ensure that the review you submit will get approved and posted:

  • Project or Transaction: There must have been a financial transaction between the review writer and the company. A financial transaction is defined as a transfer of funds between the homeowner and the company. The review must relate to the repair, improvement, purchase, or construction undertaking, completed by a written contract or an invoice. (Caution: Do not add the contract or invoice in the review)

  • Direct Relationship: All reviews must focus on the project completed by the company you had a financial transaction with/hired. Do not mention competitor companies’ names or any other companies’ names in the review.

  • Eligibility for Review: All reviews must be written by past customers unrelated and/or unaffiliated with the company. Family members, current or past employees, cannot write reviews, even if they're a project and financial transaction between them.

  • No Anonymous: We do not allow anonymous reviews. Each review comes from a registered member so, we always know who leaves the review, and all can see his information and profile.

  • Unbiased Reviews: Companies and professionals are not allowed to rate themselves. Clients who leave a review must confirm that they have no relationship with or in competition with a related company when submitting their reviews.

  • Respond Ability: We allowing companies and professionals to respond to clients' reviews so, even on negative reviews, we can hear company opinion.

  • Correct Listing: Publishing the clients' reviews to the company’s or professional’s personal profile. You will find what you are looking for in the same place.

  • Content Control: to remove any inappropriate language or personal information, as HomesBIS is an all-ages site.

  • Advertisements Reviews: All reviews must be non-commercial, meaning they cannot include promotional material or links to other websites.

  • Transparency: companies can't hide poor ratings or fraud notices, what we got what we share. Only in some cases if the company believes this fake review, we may do some investigation.

  • Credibility: If we found any company engaging in fraudulent behavior by submitting fake reviews, we will take serious actions with that company. In some cases, we may close the company account or delete all company reviews.

  • Modification or Deletion: HomesBIS does not delete or modify any negative reviews in normal cases. HomesBIS will only do that in these conditions:

    • At the request of the review owner

    • If we have any doubts that this evaluation is fraudulent and incorrect after we did an investigation.

    • Any other cases that require that.



While HomesBIS like to promise that every review comes from a real client every time, experience shows us that it is nearly impossible to guarantee that.