HomesBIS Rules

Groups Main Rules

At HomesBIS` "Groups," we believe that the e-life community is really important. When people are set online together, they create new possibilities for each other. Ideas spread, networks form, movements start. At its simplest, your home project is just better when you have people to share ideas about it.

HomesBIS Groups have been created to give homeowners and companies working in the construction and housing services field the possibility to share their information, ideas, and what they like in an interactive and positive atmosphere that contributes to enriching the housing community.

In HomesBIS, we have a new concept that differs from other group systems. Our groups have been created to share ideas and HomesBIS's community content to help you and other members find great design ideas, products, advice, or any HomesBIS content. 

These groups are not created for chatting purposes; we created them to share what may help group members with their projects. For that, we are only allowing brief comments on any content that is published in all groups. Whoever desires extensive discussion and solves his project problems or answer any questions, he must go to the (Discussions) section and open topics there.


Related Article:

See this article, How can I use groups?



Groups Rules:

There are rules and guidelines for groups; everyone will create or join a group must follow these rules:

  • Have respect for each other: Everyone wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the community better for all members. 

  • Please respect each other’s ideas and opinions: When a member shares a product or design, he likes and may see it appropriate; this is his personal opinion. If you disagree with him, do not belittle his idea or mock his opinion.

  • Don't violate the law: Don't post anything that violates the laws of your country or city.

  • Stay on group topic: Most groups appreciate it when you stay on topic. If you constantly stray from the topic, the group owner may remove you or your content from the group altogether.

All rules up are the main guidelines, and they are a part of the group organizer's personal rules.



HomesBIS is not liable for any improper or incorrect use of groups. We don’t guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in these groups. All opinions represent who sharing it and do not represent HomesBIS and assume no responsibility for them.