Getting Started

Frequently asked questions regarding Review a company or professional

What are HomesBIS’ Reviews?

Reviews are an evaluation of a job poster or ex-client experience with the company they hired through or outside HomesBIS. New customers can read previous reviews comments on each company's profile before they decide who to hire.


How are the companies and professionals rated?

After each service or job is completed, our customers are asked to review the service and rate on different parameters and judge the service's overall satisfaction. You would also be allowed to review and rate a provider based on some parameters through our system.


Are Companies’ reviews real?

At HomesBIS, we do our best to validate the reviews given by clients to the companies. We have some rules and tools to validate these reviews. While HomesBIS like to promise that every review comes from a real client every time, experience shows us that it is nearly impossible to guarantee that.


Will only positive comments be posted?

No, we won’t. We realize that not all experiences are going to be positive. Negative reviews actually give more credibility to the entire review experience. While we do allow negative reviews, we ask that they be truthful and fair. Nothing degrading, demeaning, or abusive is to be posted. Keep it simple, to the point, and stick to facts as to why the experience was unacceptable. The more details and facts you provide can only help the relevant business and give other users a full picture of your experiences.


Who is entitled to review a company or professional on HomesBIS?

Whether this customer is a person or a company, any customer has a relationship with this company as a project or service that was carried for him, provided they meet our "Review Guidelines".

All reviews must be written by past customers who are unrelated and/or unaffiliated with the company. Family members, current or past employees, cannot write reviews, whether or not they have paid for the services.

The reviewers DO NOT have to be customers through HomesBIS platform only.


Can I review my family or friend’s business?

No, we do not allow reviews published from people who have a direct relationship with the company or the professional, such as friends, family members, or employees. We strive to be all our reviews are trustworthy.


Why do I need to be registered to leave a review?

We do not accept anonymous reviews. So, we only allow registered members to leave reviews because We want to show our members that all reviews they see come from real clients.


What if a company has no reviews?

A company without ratings has most likely just joined HomesBIS. Though they don’t have a review yet, this doesn’t mean they’re not qualified professionals. In fact, these companies are incentivized to do a quality job to ensure that they get a brilliant first review, helping them build their reputation and win future work.

A good quality company should have a portfolio of previous work. Companies and professionals can upload photos of past projects, qualifications, and a description of their services on their HomesBIS profile. We recommend reviewing their profile for this information and asking them for customer references if they can provide you.


Should I review my project company?

Yes. After the work is completed, we ask that you provide a review of your chosen company's quality, value, and communication. Your rating and review are a valuable tool for other users of HomesBIS when they want to hire companies. Also, positive reviews are essential in helping good companies build their business and secure future work.

If you are unsure about leaving a review for any reason (e.g., you’re worried about giving a negative review), see This Article that may help you.


How many reviews can I post for a company or professional?

You may only post one review per project for a given company or professional. We generally recommend you wait until the conclusion of the project to leave your review.


How do I leave a review?

After the work is completed, we ask that you rate your chosen company or professional.

To give a review, log in to your account, then go to the company profile and click on "Add" near the company review rating in the company banner. You will then be asked to give the company a star rating of 1 to 5 (5 being best), and you will rate him on his quality of work, communication, and value for money. You can also post some information about your project cost, photos, date, duration, and a small brief comment.


Where's my review? What is the review posting process?

Our Review Integrity Team verifies all reviews. This process can take up to 48 business hours from the time of submission. We sometimes send verification emails to customers. If we do not receive a response to a verification email, the review may not be posted.


Why was my review removed?

There are generally three reasons why your review was removed:

  1. Your review may not be posted if it violates our Review Guidelines.

  2. Our moderator approved your review, but it was disputed by the company or professional. We temporarily remove disputed reviews until our moderators complete an investigation. If you can give documentation or any other proof that your review is accurate, please send them to us by visiting our Contact Center from here, so our moderator can further investigate your claim.

  3. Your review was permanently removed as the outcome of a dispute. Please note that we generally only remove reviews for 3 reasons:

    • The reviewer was not a client of the company or professional.

    • The company or professional can prove that the reviewer must remove his review through either a legal ruling or a private settlement agreement.

    • The reviewer violates our Terms and Conditions by objectively lying or providing demonstrably false information.


What happens if I’m not happy with a company or professional’s work?

HomesBIS aims to connect good homeowners and customers to good companies and professionals, and in the vast majority of cases, our members have a positive experience using our service.

We know that occasionally things don’t work out. So, we’ve written some guidelines, outlining the steps you can take to resolve a dispute:

Give the company or professional a fair opportunity to fix the job:

  • Establish whether your complaint is about the company or professional’s work and not about materials or things they have installed.

  • Contact the company or professional.

  • Agree on a date with them to complete the work.

  • If they do not fix or complete the work on that date, set a final deadline for them to fix the problem.

  • Rate and review the company or professional on HomesBIS.

For more details, see Our Guidelines for Dispute Resolution outline the steps you can take to resolve your dispute.


Does HomesBIS resolve issues between customers and companies?

The overwhelming majority of customers' experiences on HomesBIS are positive, and our companies and professionals usually do an excellent job. That said, we recognize that with such a large volume of jobs being agreed on our platform, problems may arise on very rare occasions.

Any agreement you have is between yourself and the company or professional concerned. Our role is to put you in touch with a company or professional in much the same way the Yellow Pages, Google, or an advert in the paper would do.

In general, most problems can be resolved by talking directly with the company or professional concerned. As we’re not a party to the eventual contract between you and your chosen company or professional, we’re unable to assist in resolving any issues directly.

For more details, see Our Guidelines for Dispute Resolution outline the steps you can take to resolve your dispute.


What if I want to leave a negative review?

Negative reviews become a permanent part of a company or professional's record and can harm their reputation and their business. If possible, you should try to resolve any issues you have with them before leaving a negative review.

If you decide to leave a negative review, make sure it's fair, factual, and relates specifically to your project or work done by the company or professional. Remember, reviews are about your experience with the company or professional – it's not a review of the product you bought from them.

The company or professional often responds to negative reviews and may reply to you or get in touch with you to try to resolve the issue.

Again, we advise resolving any issues with them before you do that. Use negative reviews as the last step; if the company is unwilling to take responsibility and repair the damage or problem, you made your efforts to reach a settlement, and you find yourself can’t achieve a resolution.


Can companies, professionals, or service providers remove negative reviews?

HomesBIS's community wants to hear about good experiences and bad ones. As long as a review is factual and not offensive, No one can remove it.