HomesBIS Rules

Discussion Rules

The following is a list of basic guidelines about what is and is not allowed while posting on our platform. These rules are in addition to what is listed in our "Terms and Conditions". Please read through all of these points before using our platform, and you can contact us if you have questions.

By participating in the HomesBIS Discussions Forums, you agree to the Usage Guidelines (Outlined Down), and our " Terms and Conditions "

  • Always be courteous: We're building a positive community about architecture, design, and home improvement. Remember, being a critic is not the same thing as being a jerk. Also, please do not have a large percentage of your posts that are only negative rants against anything. This is a form of trolling that only inflames the community and incites more flaming and abusive posts.

  • Be appropriate: HomesBIS is an all-ages site, so please keep the language, topics, and photography appropriate. Our moderators reserve the right to remove offensive material.

  • Commitment to the content: Do not discuss topics that are not related to the housing community (Build, Improvements, Services) or the topic of your chosen category.  Any topics not related to these fields will be deleted directly.

  • Ask specific questions: Because we want the discussion to be informative, please create descriptive post titles.

  • No posting style: Do not continue to use any posting style that is disruptive such as posting in all caps, eleet, overused memes, off-topic banter/phrases, etc.

  • No repeat: Please do not start a thread in one category, then cross-post in other categories in an effort to increase your chances for a quick reply. We give you the ability to post in up 3 categories in one time, so you get quick and more responses.

  • No double post: Do not "Bump" or double post in a topic unnecessarily and more than once in 24-hours. If you do this, it will result in the bump post being deleted. Additionally, do not bump/resurrect old threads. Instead of replying to an inactive conversation that was created years ago, create a new thread.

  • No duplicate accounts: Do not create multiple forum accounts.  Each member is allowed one account only. Alternative accounts will be permanently banned, and offending users will be subject to temporary or permanent bans.

  • Moderators control: To maintain a “clean” discussion forum, HomesBIS moderators may decide to remove messages, material, or parts thereof at their sole discretion if considered to be offensive or contrary to discussion rules.

  • Different time zones: Since this platform is global and includes members from multiple countries that have different time zones, please note that Admins and Moderators do not maintain 24/7 coverage here, and their timing may differ from the time that you start your post.

  • Solicitation & Advertising: This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific products, services, or any other kinds. If you have a brand, products, or services and you want to advertise in HomesBIS, you can contact us from here.

  • Respect: Users shall treat each other with respect at all times on HomesBIS. Ideas and opinions may be challenged, but name-calling, personal attacks, or other inappropriate behavior will not be allowed and may cause your account to be banned. If you think someone is wrong, it may be because they are new, don't jump on them.  Please be tactful and be civil. Harassment will not be tolerated in this community.

  • Appreciation: Please remember the vast majority of the posters on our forum are not employees or in any way affiliated with HomesBIS, but are in fact, unpaid volunteers who donate hours of their time to provide information and assistance out of the goodness of their hearts, and without recompense.

  • No provocation: Do not flame or troll - Please do not try and provoke anyone into a fight. This includes posting condescending remarks or following people and replying to them to fuel a rivalry or continuing a discussion after it has gone downhill. If someone else is breaking the rules, it does not permit more rule-breaking. Defending yourself isn't an excuse.

  • No attacks: In HomesBIS forums, we do not allow to criticize or praise any company or professional that is listed on our platform in any way. This includes other companies or professionals that they are in/not listing in our platform. If you want to add something good or bad about any company, you can visit the company profile and post your review.

  • Moderator decision: Users shall not question or debate a moderator's decision publicly on the discussion’s pages. Users shall not repost content a moderator has removed, repost a topic that has been locked, remove a post edited by a moderator. In the event of a disagreement or questioning of a moderator's decision or action, users should use the contact us form from here.

  • Report bad posts: Please do not "name and shame" members or debate another member's qualifications publicly on the discussion’s pages. Instead, If you see someone violating the Discussions rules, please report them using the "Report Post" button.

  • Take responsibility: You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages on the forums and your conduct on HomesBIS Discussions. You assume all responsibility for your posts, even if they are made by one of your friends or family members.

  • No violating the laws: Please do not discuss anything regarding scamming or topics that help obtain building or renewal licenses violate the local laws.

  • Discriminatory remarks: any sort of that will not be tolerated. This includes degrading and/or offensive remarks about an individual or a group of individuals based on their race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexuality, age, nationality, religious affiliation, or, indeed, any other basis.

  • Respect privacy: Do not disclose private information about members without their consent (e.g., names, contact details, pictures, details about personal life, etc. - this includes private messages, emails, and social media in part.) also, you should not post your personal information on these forums including but not limited to name, physical or email address, age, phone number, credit card or sensitive log-in information. Furthermore, if any user asks you for personal information, such as the information detailed above, do not provide it. 

  • Banned members: Do not post messages on behalf of banned members. They are banned for a reason. Doing so will result in a ban for the poster conveying the message and an increase in the ban length for the poster who is sending the message.

  • Copyrights: If you participate in a discussion, you are responsible for ensuring that any material you post to the discussion (e.g., text, images, or other multimedia content) does not violate or infringe upon the copyright, patent, trademark, or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party, and is posted with the permission of the owner of such rights.

  • No Spamming: Participants may not solicit users for any project or purpose external to the forum; public, private, or commercial. Most importantly, our member base is not a resource to be "mined" by individuals, groups, businesses, for-profit or not for profit. Double, triple, etc. posting and one-word replies can also be considered spam - Post with substance and thought. If you SPAM our members in any manner, your account will be disabled.

  • No Advertisements: Although we are welcome companies, professionals, and service providers who will participate and give valuable information to the forum's topics, we not allowing any kind of advertisement as such advertising on commercial products or services, like agents service, renovation works, loan services, furniture retail, etc. and personal social media account such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others... Please visit our advertising section for business ads to find our advertisement package for your company or yourself. Any advertisement content is strictly prohibited and may result in an immediate ban without warning.


Any violation of these rules will result in an infraction up to and including a permanent ban. Please help us keep this site user friendly and report any instances of rule violations. These rules may be altered at any time without notice, so please check this page often. Thanks.



HomesBIS is not liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information on this site. We don’t guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this platform. All opinions represent the author and do not represent HomesBIS and assume no responsibility for them.