Your Profile

(Favourite Center) How it Works


Favorites Center is more than just a list of links. You can turn the Favorites Center into a dynamic tool that can improve your efficiency.

You can use this feature to bookmark items you’re interested in and make it easily accessible in the future.

Where can I find my favorites?

If you have saved any content to your favorite, you can access it as follows:


  • Log in to your profile, then visit your "Favourites" from your profile sections.

  • All your favorite contents that you have been created are listed there.


How do I save a content item to my favorite?


  • Open the desired content item - Project photo, Product, Special Offer, etc. - on HomesBIS platform.

  • Please tap on the Favorite or save button to mark it as a favorite.

  • When you try to add content to your favorites, you’ll have the option to add it to a folder.  You can create and name as many folders as you’d like when you save or from your “Favorites” page.

  • You can also write a short comment about the content you want to save to make it easier for you in the future when you have a big favorite.


  • Folders can help you organize your favorites.

  • Comments can help you know why you saved these contents to your favorites.

  • Visitors to your favorite can see any comments you wrote on specific content that you have saved to your favorites. If you want to hide the comment, you should hide the content that hides the accompanying comment.

  • You can't modify any comment after saved. If you need to amend any comment, you must delete the content from your favorites and save it again and write the new comment appropriate for you.


Visiting the source of saved content:

Click on the name of the saved content, and you will be directed to the source.


How can I delete a favorite content?

If you would like to remove an item from your list of favorites, use the following steps:

  • In your "Favourites", move the mouse on the item you would like to delete.

  • Click on (Delete) icon.

  • The favorite item will be removed from your list.


Can visitors see my favorite content?

Yes, any visitor to your profile can see what content you saved to your favorite. Some may prefer to have some privacy and hide some or all of the favorite’ contents from visitors' eyes.

To hide your favorite’ contents from visitors:

  • In your “Favourites”, move the mouse on the item you would like to hide.

  • Click on (Hide) icon.

  • The favorite item will be hidden from your visitor.


Favorite Folders Names:

You can name your favorite folders with the names you prefer or organize them based on their types.

For example, you can dedicate a folder to save the products you like, a folder for designs that inspire you, or a folder for articles and discussions that you are interested in.

You can also name it by room or space. For example, My lovely bedroom’s ideas or Outdoor Products...


Organizing My Favourite Folders:

At any time, you can organize your favorite folders, either by moving the contents from one folder to another, or modify the name of an existing folder, or create a new folder.

Adding New Favourite Folder:

From your “Favourites”

  • Click on “Create Folder” button.

  • From the new pop-up window, add a new folder name and description.

  • Click Save button

Note: By clicking on (Hide from public), you can hide the folder completely from visitors; all favourite contents inside this folder will be hidden from the visitor.


Modifying or deleting the name of an existing Folder:

From your “Favourites”

  • Click on the () button in any folder.

  • Choose “Rename” to change the current folder name.

  • Or choose “Delete” to delete this favorite folder and all contents inside.


Moving the contents from one folder to another:

From your “Favourites”

  • Move the mouse on the item you would like to move.

  • Click on (Move to) icon.

  • Choose the folder you want to move the content to.

  • The favorite item will be moved from the current folder to your selected folder.