Using Our site

Designs Library (How it works)

When we say a picture is worth a thousand words, because some photos leave us speechless and we cannot describe them in words, and we make this into reality in HomesBIS` Designs Library

The dawn of the Internet revolution brought with it an easier way to access information, and today we’re able to gather more information from more sources than ever before.

For example: If you are building a new kitchen, and you are looking for ideas or designs that will inspire you, mostly you will type the following phrase, ‘Kitchen Photos‘ into Google, the search engine will return no fewer than 2.5 billion results for you to peruse.

It can all get a little intimidating with such a large result, and if you’re looking to sort through these clutters and find the best ideas, then you will undoubtedly suffer.


HomesBIS will help you find inspiration for your next project and connect you with creative companies and designers through their project’s photos.


By using our "Designs Library" you can:

  • Find inspiration photos for all areas and rooms of houses, whether they are indoor or outdoor.

  • Filter these areas photos based on their styles, area size, main colors, building materials, and much more.

  • Sort these photos based on each country's architectural design - as some countries differ from other countries in the architectural form and its nature.

  • Save the most inspiring photos into folders called "Favorites" in your profile, so when you need to find them in the future, you can get it at any time.

  • Know who created and executed these designs when clicked, as they are linked to the company or designer profile.


Visiting Designs Library:

  1. Click on "Designs Library" on our main menu.

  2. We sort rooms and spaces into (Indoor, Outdoor, Others) categories. You can choose any space by clicking on the space's name or photos.

  3. You can scroll down to see all our photos without filtering, but it's better to visit rooms or spaces individually if you want more powerful filters.


You can see all rooms or spaces that belong to any category by clicking on Show All or scroll the arrow on the left or right.


Using Filters to Sort Photos:


Open any space or room photo (Ex: Living room & majlis)

  1. You can sort photos by choosing your filters from slide menus. (You can sort them by style, size, color, furniture, and more)

  2. Your filters will display, and you can any time cancel any of them (You will see photos number that fit your filters)

  3. Some photos can be sorted by the cost of carrying out the work included in the photo (You can sort them by low to extra high) *

  4. You can sort photos based on their location (You can sort them according to the architectural character of each country) **

  5. In each photo, you will see a photo name, a small brief description of each photo, and sharing functions. (You can see full photo size, more details, and owner info by clicking on the zoom icon)


* Budget Filter:

You can sort the photos according to the budget that you own:

  • Some photos only have a budget. So, if you see limited results, then remove the budget filter.

  • The budget here is symbolic and not limited by value. So, if you want to know the actual cost, you can ask the company about the exact cost when you visit photo details in "ask a Question" section.


** Location Filter:

You can sort the photos according to the country in which they were created, for example:

  • The architectural character in U.A.E may differ from the architectural character in Morocco. You can explore photos that match the architectural character in U.A.E by typing U.A.E in the location area.

  • You can also sort photos by city, type the city name.

  • Using the location filter will give you limited results. So, ff you want more results, we recommend you remove the location filter.


Photo Details:

When you click on any photo you will open full photo details:

  1. Company details: You can click on this area to open the owner profile.

  2. Photo title: Name of the photo and category

  3. Visitors interact with photo:

    • Total save to members’ favorites.

    • The number of questions have been asked regarding this photo.

    • Total view of this photo.

  4. Share in Group button: If you a member in any group and you like this photo and want to share it in your group to let other group members see this photo.

  5. Add to Favorites: If you like this photo, you can save it in your favorite to see it in the future.

  6. Like My Work button: Will take visitors to the company’s profile to know more about his works and projects.

  7. Photo: When click on the photo will open full size. Also, you can use share functions to share photos on social media.

  8. Photo Details: Will display photo name and details; if the content more than area, then click on Show More, will show you all details.

  9. More Photos from this Project: This will display up to 6 photos from the same project photos.

  10. More Photos from this Professional: Will display photos from other projects from this company.

  11. Report: If you see in this photo or content what violates HomesBIS laws, you can report us, and we will do our investigation.

  12. Ask a question: If you have a question about this photo or design, you can ask the company, and you will get an answer when the company reply.